Buses US

This document contains preliminary numbers for economic data for US diesel and natural gas buses. It alwasy assumed that a number is valid for both diesel and natural gas buses unless otherwise stated.

Bold font rows are the final datapoints.

The values are good approximations, but they may still be subject to change. Some cost data points have a timestamp whilst others don’t. If it does it will always be converted to 2023 dollar and if not we have assumed that the uncertainty in the data itself balances out potential inflation effects on the cost

Asset Metrics

Table 1

0Average life span of a bus [1]*14yr
1Average miles traveled per bus per year [2]†18,000mi
2Average km traveled per bus per year [2]† ‡ **29,000km
3Expected longevity per bus in miles§252,000mi
4Expected longevity per bus in km¶ **406,000km
* Most frequent value for 'Useful life benchmark'. Assumption: valid for buses of all fuel types.
† Assumptions: valid for buses of all fuel types. Using pre-pandemic number.
‡Converted from miles to kilometer

A number in parentheses represents the row in question

$\displaystyle §\text{Product of } (0), (1)$

$\displaystyle ¶\text{Product of } (0), (2)$

**Rounded to the nearest thousand


[1]: Federal Transit Administration File: 2020 Revenue Vehicle Inventory 
[2]: Bureau of Transportation Statistics 


Table 2

0Purchase price for a diesel bus [1]350,000USD
1Purchase price for a natural gas bus [2]*560,000USD
2Purchase price for an electric bus [3]750,000USD
* An average compressed natural gas bus costs between $540,000 to $580,000


[1]: Colorado Department of Transportation, Intercity bus 
[2]: The National Renewable Energy Laboratory. 
[3]: Forbes magazine 


Table 3

0Operating Cost Per Vehicle Mile 2005 [1]*3USD / mi
12005 to 2023 dollar conversion [2]1.519697901
2Maintenance cost factor between diesel and natural gas buses [3]0.93
3Maintenance cost electric buses per year [4]†698,440USD
4Total cost per diesel bus per year [5]**49,000USD
5Operating cost per bus mile§ ††4.6USD / mi
6Operating Cost Per bus km‡ ††2.9USD / km
7Total cost per natural gas bus per year¶ **46,000USD
* Assumed to be valid for both natrual gas and diesel buses
† Cost per distance is included in this number, hence the cost per distance parameter is set to zero
‡Converted from USD / mile to USD / kilometer

A number in parentheses represents the row in question

$\displaystyle §\text{Product of } (0), (1)$

$\displaystyle ¶\text{Product of } (4), (2)$

**Rounded to the nearest thousand
††Rounded to the nearest tenth


[1]: U.S. Department of Transportation, table 2 
[2]: Inflation calculator using official records published by the U.S. Department of Labor 
[3]: National Renewable Energy Laboratory  
[4]: National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Table ES-1 
[5]: See Appendix 1

Particle emissions

Electric buses has no exhaust emission but is assumed to have the same wear and tear numbers as the other bus types

Table 4

0PM2.5 - Tire Wear [1]0.003g / mi
1PM2.5 - Brake Wear [1]0.361g / mi
2PM2.5 - Exhaust Entire Fleet [1]*0.007g / mi
3NOx - Exhaust Entire Fleet [1]*2.29g / mi
4PM Exhaust Natural gas buses [2]†0g / mi
5NOx emission factor between diesel and natural gas buses [2]0.42
6PM10 - wear and tear‡0g / mi
7PM10 - Exhaust‡0g / mi
8PM2.5 - Tire Wear [1]§0.001864113576712g / km
9PM2.5 - Brake Wear [1]§0.224315000397678g / km
10PM2.5 - Exhaust Entire Fleet [1]* §0.00434959834566134g / km
11PM2.5 - Exhaust Entire Fleet [1]* § ††0.0043g / km
12NOx - Exhaust Entire Fleet [1]* § ‡‡1.42g / km
13NOx Exhaust natural gas buses¶ ††0.0018g / km
14PM2.5 - wear and tear** ‡‡0.23g / km
* Assumed to be the entire fleet of diesel buses
† Next to no PM emissions
‡ Assumed to be diesel and natural gas buses and assumed to be zero
§Converted from gram/mile to gram / kilometer

A number in parentheses represents the row in question

$\displaystyle ¶\text{Product of } (5), (10)$

$\displaystyle **\text{Sum of } (8), (9)$

††Rounded to the nearest ten thousandth
‡‡Rounded to the nearest hundredth


[1]: The California Air Resources Board, table 1 


Electric buses is assumed to be noiseless and have the same accident cost as the other bus types

Table 5

02000 dollar per crash [1]*32,548USD
1Annual amount craches [2]25,652
2Total milage, buses [3]5,608,075,000mi
32000 to 2023 dollar conversion [4]1.723559814
4Cost per km in 2007 dollar [5]0.053USD / km
52007 to 2023 dollar conversion [4]1.43143695
6Assumed change in crash cost†0%
7Assumed change in noise cost†0%
8Total km, buses [3]‡9,025,321,852.8km
9Cost per year from crashes§1,439,036,793.6384USD
10Crash cost per km¶ ††0.16USD / km
11Noise cost per km** ‡‡0.076USD / km
* Includes medically related costs, emergency services costs, property damage costs, lost productivity, and the monetized value of the pain, suffering, and quality of life that the family loses because of a death or injury
† Assumption
‡Converted from mile to kilometer

A number in parentheses represents the row in question

$\displaystyle §\text{Product of } (0), (1), (3)$

$\displaystyle ¶(9) / (8)$

$\displaystyle **\text{Product of } (4), (5)$

††Rounded to the nearest hundredth
‡‡Rounded to the nearest thousandth


[1]: Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, table 11 
[2]: Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, table 8 
[3]: Federal Transit Administration, Only buses (MB). 1997 assumed to be approximatly accurate since the crash data is calculated using data from 1990-1999 
[4]: Inflation calculator using official records published by the U.S. Department of Labor 
[5]: Victoria Transport Policy Institute, Table 5.11.7-1 


This table includes the cost from Services, Other, Taxes and Miscellaneous cost from the federal bus fleet. We assume that the cost per bus is the same regardless how owns it. We also assume that all buses listed below can be seen as diesel buses

Appendix 1

0Bus - Directly Operated: Services [1]1,666,956,230USD
1Bus - Directly Operated: Other [1]1,032,285,778USD
2Bus - Directly Operated: Taxes [1]22,852,319USD
3Bus - Directly Operated: Miscellaneous [1]147,790,662USD
4Bus Rapid Transit - Directly Operated: Services [1]21,456,457USD
5Bus Rapid Transit - Directly Operated: Other [1]9,695,128USD
6Bus Rapid Transit - Directly Operated: Taxes [1]96,909USD
7Bus Rapid Transit - Directly Operated: Miscellaneous [1]1,181,490USD
8Commuter Bus - Directly Operated: Services [1]42,921,615USD
9Commuter Bus - Directly Operated: Other [1]27,889,094USD
10Commuter Bus - Directly Operated: Taxes [1]3,726,995USD
11Commuter Bus - Directly Operated: Miscellaneous [1]16,037,857USD
12Total number of Federal buses [2]61,151
13Total cost*2,992,890,534USD
14Total cost per diesel bus per year† ‡48,943USD
A number in parentheses represents the row in question

$\displaystyle *\text{Sum of } (0), (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (10), (11)$

$\displaystyle †(13) / (12)$

‡Rounded to the nearest whole


[1]: File: Operating Expenses_Static, Tab: Summary Tables by Type 
[2]: Federal Transit Administration, File: vehicles _statics 