Personal vehicles US

This document contains preliminary numbers for economic data for US personal vehicles.

Bold font rows are the final datapoints.

We assume that all internal combustion engine cars can be seen as equal and that there is a overlap in the data points between internal combustion engine cars and electric cars unless otherwise stated.

The values are good approximations, but they may still be subject to change. For some cost data points we have assumed that the uncertainty in the data itself balances out potential inflation effects on the cost, hence we present the the cost in the currency as presented in the source.

Asset Metrics

Table 1

0Average miles traveled by car per year [1]13,476mi
1Average km traveled by car per year [1]* **21,688km
2Average life span of an internal combustion engine car [2]12yr
3Average life span of an electric car‡18yr
4Average life span of an internal combustion engine car in miles [2]200,000yr
5Average life span of an electric car in miles [2]300,000yr
6Average longevity of an internal combustion engine car in miles§161,712mi * yr
7Average longevity of an electric car in miles¶242,568mi * yr
8Average longevity of an internal combustion engine car in miles† **260,250km * yr
9Average longevity of an electric car in miles† **390,375km * yr
*Converted from miles to kilometer
†Converted from mile * year to kilometer * year

A number in parentheses represents the row in question

$\displaystyle ‡\frac{(2) \times (5)}{(4)}$

$\displaystyle §\text{Product of } (2), (0)$

$\displaystyle ¶\text{Product of } (3), (0)$

**Rounded to the nearest whole


[1]: The Federal Highway Administration
[2]: Auto Body Repair Shop


Table 2

0Purchase cost of an internal combustion engine car [1]*48,301USD
1Change rate of purchase cost of an internal combustion engine car [1]10.8%
2Purchase cost of an electric car [1]66,524USD
3Change rate of purchase cost of an electric car [1]15.6%
* Average over all types of cars, where we assume the majority is internal combustion engine cars


[1]: Content and information website related to cars, trucks, and other vehicles.,-Set-Record-Again-in-August,-According-to-Kelley-Blue-Book


Table 3

0Internal combustion engine car tax cost per year [1]851USD
1Electric car insurance cost per year [2]3,012USD
2Average insurance cost [3]*1,150.676471USD
3Electric car tax: Average [4]*43USD
4Electric cars cost per year‡3,055USD
5Internal combustion engine cars cost per year§ ¶2,000USD
6Maintenance and repairs costs for an internal combustion engine car [5]0.101USD / mi
7Maintenance and repairs costs for an electric car [5]0.061USD / mi
8Maintenance and repairs costs for an internal combustion engine car [5]† **0.06USD / km
9Maintenance and repairs costs for an electric car [5]† **0.04USD / km
* Average of all of the above
†Converted from USD / mile to USD / kilometer

A number in parentheses represents the row in question

$\displaystyle ‡\text{Sum of } (1), (3)$

$\displaystyle §\text{Sum of } (0), (2)$

¶Rounded to the nearest ten
**Rounded to the nearest hundredth


[1]: AAAs Your Driving Costs
[2]: Website of data-backed decisions about financial products
[3]: See Appendix 1
[4]: See Appendix 2
[5]: Office of energy efficiency & renewable energy


The noise cost of cars is the societal costs (health care etc.) due to the noise produced.

We assume that electric cars produce no noise.

Accident costs is the societal costs and can includes productivity losses, medical expenses, vehicle damage, etc.

Table 4

0Noise cost from internal combustion engine cars 2007 [1]*0.011USD / km
1Noise cost from internal combustion engine cars 2007 [1]* † §0.018USD / mi
2Accident cost of a car per mile [2]¶0.85USD / mi
3Accident cost of a car per km [2]‡ ¶0.53USD / km
* We assume that the uncertainty in the data point neglects potential inflation effects
†Converted from USD / km to USD / mile
‡Converted from USD / mile to USD / kilometer
§Rounded to the nearest thousandth
¶Rounded to the nearest hundredth


[1]: Transportation Cost and Benefit Analysis II  Noise Costs, Victoria Transport Policy Institute
[2]: See Appendix 3


Appendix 1

0Average annual premium for full coverage insurance: Alabama [1]1,843USD
1Average annual premium for full coverage insurance: Alaska [1]1,946USD
2Average annual premium for full coverage insurance: Arizona [1]1,810USD
3Average annual premium for full coverage insurance: Arkansas [1]1,907USD
4Average annual premium for full coverage insurance: California [1]2,291USD
5Average annual premium for full coverage insurance: Colorado [1]2,121USD
6Average annual premium for full coverage insurance: Connecticut [1]1,533USD
7Average annual premium for full coverage insurance: Delaware [1]2,103USD
8Average annual premium for full coverage insurance: Florida [1]3,183USD
9Average annual premium for full coverage insurance: Georgia [1]2,085USD
10Average annual premium for full coverage insurance: Hawaii [1]1,275USD
11Average annual premium for full coverage insurance: Idaho [1]1,133USD
12Average annual premium for full coverage insurance: Illinois [1]1,806USD
13Average annual premium for full coverage insurance: Indiana [1]1,295USD
14Average annual premium for full coverage insurance: Iowa [1]1,315USD
15Average annual premium for full coverage insurance: Kansas [1]1,878USD
16Average annual premium for full coverage insurance: Kentucky [1]2,124USD
17Average annual premium for full coverage insurance: Louisiana [1]2,909USD
18Average annual premium for full coverage insurance: Maine [1]941USD
19Average annual premium for full coverage insurance: Maryland [1]1,971USD
20Average annual premium for full coverage insurance: Massachusetts [1]1,262USD
21Average annual premium for full coverage insurance: Michigan [1]2,691USD
22Average annual premium for full coverage insurance: Minnesota [1]1,760USD
23Average annual premium for full coverage insurance: Mississippi [1]1,771USD
24Average annual premium for full coverage insurance: Missouri [1]1,943USD
25Average annual premium for full coverage insurance: Montana [1]1,889USD
26Average annual premium for full coverage insurance: Nebraska [1]1,624USD
27Average annual premium for full coverage insurance: Nevada [1]2,779USD
28Average annual premium for full coverage insurance: New Hampshire [1]1,262USD
29Average annual premium for full coverage insurance: New Jersey [1]1,754USD
30Average annual premium for full coverage insurance: New Mexico [1]1,591USD
31Average annual premium for full coverage insurance: New York [1]3,139USD
32Average annual premium for full coverage insurance: North Carolina [1]1,446USD
33Average annual premium for full coverage insurance: North Dakota [1]1,302USD
34Average annual premium for full coverage insurance: Ohio [1]1,266USD
35Average annual premium for full coverage insurance: Oklahoma [1]1,998USD
36Average annual premium for full coverage insurance: Oregon [1]1,415USD
37Average annual premium for full coverage insurance: Pennsylvania [1]2,040USD
38Average annual premium for full coverage insurance: Rhode Island [1]1,886USD
39Average annual premium for full coverage insurance: South Carolina [1]1,532USD
40Average annual premium for full coverage insurance: South Dakota [1]1,553USD
41Average annual premium for full coverage insurance: Tennessee [1]1,429USD
42Average annual premium for full coverage insurance: Texas [1]2,019USD
43Average annual premium for full coverage insurance: Utah [1]1,510USD
44Average annual premium for full coverage insurance: Vermont [1]1,061USD
45Average annual premium for full coverage insurance: Virginia [1]1,439USD
46Average annual premium for full coverage insurance: Washington [1]1,410USD
47Average annual premium for full coverage insurance: Washington D.C. [1]2,072USD
48Average annual premium for full coverage insurance: West Virginia [1]1,580USD
49Average annual premium for full coverage insurance: Wisconsin [1]1,292USD
50Average annual premium for full coverage insurance: Wyoming [1]1,582USD
51Average annual premium for minimum coverage insurance: Alabama [1]441USD
52Average annual premium for minimum coverage insurance: Alaska [1]421USD
53Average annual premium for minimum coverage insurance: Arizona [1]587USD
54Average annual premium for minimum coverage insurance: Arkansas [1]443USD
55Average annual premium for minimum coverage insurance: California [1]636USD
56Average annual premium for minimum coverage insurance: Colorado [1]500USD
57Average annual premium for minimum coverage insurance: Connecticut [1]620USD
58Average annual premium for minimum coverage insurance: Delaware [1]801USD
59Average annual premium for minimum coverage insurance: Florida [1]1,128USD
60Average annual premium for minimum coverage insurance: Georgia [1]639USD
61Average annual premium for minimum coverage insurance: Hawaii [1]344USD
62Average annual premium for minimum coverage insurance: Idaho [1]267USD
63Average annual premium for minimum coverage insurance: Illinois [1]552USD
64Average annual premium for minimum coverage insurance: Indiana [1]327USD
65Average annual premium for minimum coverage insurance: Iowa [1]223USD
66Average annual premium for minimum coverage insurance: Kansas [1]416USD
67Average annual premium for minimum coverage insurance: Kentucky [1]678USD
68Average annual premium for minimum coverage insurance: Louisiana [1]815USD
69Average annual premium for minimum coverage insurance: Maine [1]225USD
70Average annual premium for minimum coverage insurance: Maryland [1]815USD
71Average annual premium for minimum coverage insurance: Massachusetts [1]429USD
72Average annual premium for minimum coverage insurance: Michigan [1]1,104USD
73Average annual premium for minimum coverage insurance: Minnesota [1]585USD
74Average annual premium for minimum coverage insurance: Mississippi [1]446USD
75Average annual premium for minimum coverage insurance: Missouri [1]490USD
76Average annual premium for minimum coverage insurance: Montana [1]310USD
77Average annual premium for minimum coverage insurance: Nebraska [1]359USD
78Average annual premium for minimum coverage insurance: Nevada [1]973USD
79Average annual premium for minimum coverage insurance: New Hampshire [1]319USD
80Average annual premium for minimum coverage insurance: New Jersey [1]782USD
81Average annual premium for minimum coverage insurance: New Mexico [1]346USD
82Average annual premium for minimum coverage insurance: New York [1]1,371USD
83Average annual premium for minimum coverage insurance: North Carolina [1]432USD
84Average annual premium for minimum coverage insurance: North Dakota [1]269USD
85Average annual premium for minimum coverage insurance: Ohio [1]338USD
86Average annual premium for minimum coverage insurance: Oklahoma [1]406USD
87Average annual premium for minimum coverage insurance: Oregon [1]616USD
88Average annual premium for minimum coverage insurance: Pennsylvania [1]428USD
89Average annual premium for minimum coverage insurance: Rhode Island [1]551USD
90Average annual premium for minimum coverage insurance: South Carolina [1]524USD
91Average annual premium for minimum coverage insurance: South Dakota [1]276USD
92Average annual premium for minimum coverage insurance: Tennessee [1]371USD
93Average annual premium for minimum coverage insurance: Texas [1]565USD
94Average annual premium for minimum coverage insurance: Utah [1]539USD
95Average annual premium for minimum coverage insurance: Vermont [1]238USD
96Average annual premium for minimum coverage insurance: Virginia [1]494USD
97Average annual premium for minimum coverage insurance: Washington [1]515USD
98Average annual premium for minimum coverage insurance: Washington D.C. [1]607USD
99Average annual premium for minimum coverage insurance: West Virginia [1]421USD
100Average annual premium for minimum coverage insurance: Wisconsin [1]358USD
101Average annual premium for minimum coverage insurance: Wyoming [1]263USD
102Average insurance cost [1]*1,150.676471USD
* Average of all of the above


[1]: Financial guidance website

Appendix 2

0Electric car tax: Alabama [1]0USD
1Electric car tax: Alaska [1]0USD
2Electric car tax: Arizona [1]0USD
3Electric car tax: Arkansas [1]0USD
4Electric car tax: California [1]100USD
5Electric car tax: Colorado [1]50USD
6Electric car tax: Connecticut [1]0USD
7Electric car tax: Delaware [1]0USD
8Electric car tax: Florida [1]0USD
9Electric car tax: Georgia [1]200USD
10Electric car tax: Hawaii [1]0USD
11Electric car tax: Idaho [1]140USD
12Electric car tax: Illinois [1]100USD
13Electric car tax: Indiana [1]150USD
14Electric car tax: Iowa [1]0USD
15Electric car tax: Kansas [1]0USD
16Electric car tax: Kentucky [1]0USD
17Electric car tax: Louisiana [1]0USD
18Electric car tax: Maine [1]0USD
19Electric car tax: Maryland [1]0USD
20Electric car tax: Massachusetts [1]0USD
21Electric car tax: Michigan [1]185USD
22Electric car tax: Minnesota [1]75USD
23Electric car tax: Mississippi [1]150USD
24Electric car tax: Missouri [1]75USD
25Electric car tax: Montana [1]0USD
26Electric car tax: Nebraska [1]75USD
27Electric car tax: Nevada [1]0USD
28Electric car tax: New Hampshire [1]0USD
29Electric car tax: New Jersey [1]0USD
30Electric car tax: New Mexico [1]0USD
31Electric car tax: New York [1]0USD
32Electric car tax: North Carolina [1]130USD
33Electric car tax: North Dakota [1]0USD
34Electric car tax: Ohio [1]0USD
35Electric car tax: Oklahoma [1]0USD
36Electric car tax: Oregon [1]110USD
37Electric car tax: Pennsylvania [1]0USD
38Electric car tax: Rhode Island [1]0USD
39Electric car tax: South Carolina [1]120USD
40Electric car tax: South Dakota [1]0USD
41Electric car tax: Tennessee [1]100USD
42Electric car tax: Texas [1]0USD
43Electric car tax: Utah [1]120USD
44Electric car tax: Vermont [1]0USD
45Electric car tax: Virginia [1]64USD
46Electric car tax: Washington [1]150USD
47Electric car tax: Washington D.C. [1]0USD
48Electric car tax: West Virginia [1]0USD
49Electric car tax: Wisconsin [1]100USD
50Electric car tax: Wyoming [1]0USD
51Electric car tax: Average [1]*43USD
* Average of all of the above


[1]: Electric vehicle marketplace

Appendix 3

0Average Economic Cost by Death [1]1,750,000USD
1Average Economic Cost by Disabling [1]101,000USD
2Average Economic Cost by Evident [1]29,200USD
3Average Economic Cost by Possible [1]23,900USD
4Average Economic Cost by No injury observed [1]12,800USD
5Average Economic Cost by Property damage only [1]4,700USD
6Number of vehicle miles for all cars [2]2,254,309,000,000mi
7Passenger car accident (yearly average) [3]6,000,000
8Average economic cost per accident* †320,266.666666667USD
9Accident cost of a car per mile‡0.852411980788792USD / mi
* We implicitly assume that all crashes happens an equal amount of times, which is a simplification

A number in parentheses represents the row in question

$\displaystyle †\text{Average of } (0), (1), (2), (3), (4), (5)$

$\displaystyle ‡\frac{(7) \times (8)}{(6)}$


[1]: National Safety Council, Injury facts
[2]: Federal Highway Administration, Annual vehicle distance traveled in miles and related data
[3]: Law firm website