Buses Sweden

Economic data, Public Transport, Buses Sweden

This document contains preliminary numbers for economic data for Swedish buses.

Bold font rows are the final datapoints.

The values are good approximations, but they may still be subject to change.

Transport statistics

Total distances

Public transport in Sweden is mainly served by buses of type I (city bus) and type II (regional buses).

Table 1

0Total distance City bus type I [1]27,649,900.4swedish mile
1Total distance Regional bus type II [1]40,347,535swedish mile
2Total distance City bus type I [1]*276,499,004km
3Total distance Regional bus type II [1]*403,475,350km
4Total distance types I and II† ‡680,000,000km
*Converted from swedish mile to kilometer

A number in parentheses represents the row in question

$\displaystyle †(2) + (3)$

‡Rounded to the nearest ten million


[1]: Trafa körsträckor 2021, table BU3 

Table 2

0Bus lifetime [2]700,000km
1Average yearly distance per electric bus [1]*48,787km
2Average yearly distance per diesel bus [1]*46,445km
3Average yearly distance per gas bus [1]*65,839km
*Converted from swedish mile to kilometer


[1]: Trafa körsträckor 2021, table BU4 
[2]: Assumption based on actual buses 

Ecomonic data

Capital Expenditures (CAPEX)

Table 3

012 buses purchased for Uppsala [1]75,200,000SEK
1National subventions 20% [2]0.2%
22015 Purchase price diesel bus [3]2,500,000SEK
32015 Purchase price gas bus [3]2,950,000SEK
42015 to 2023 SEK conversion [4]1.259855189
5Price per electric bus*6,266,666.66666667SEK
6Subsidised purchase price electric bus† ¶6,300,000SEK
72023 Purchase price diesel bus‡ ¶3,100,000SEK
82023 Purchase price gas bus§ ¶3,700,000SEK
A number in parentheses represents the row in question

$\displaystyle *\frac{(0)}{12}$

$\displaystyle †(5) \times \left(1 - (1)\right)$

$\displaystyle ‡\text{Product of } (2), (4)$

$\displaystyle §\text{Product of } (3), (4)$

¶Rounded to the nearest hundred thousand


[1]: Public procurement Uppsala 
[2]: Swedish Energy Agency 
[3]: Kunskapssammanställning EURO VI, p.6 
[4]: Ekonomifakta, Räkna på inflationen 

Operational Expenditures (OPEX)

Table 4

0Annual tax cost electric bus [1]984SEK
1Annual insurance cost electric bus [2]90,000SEK
2Operational cost per year electric bus* ‡90,984SEK
3Operational cost per distance diesel bus [3]1.08SEK / km
4Operational cost per distance gas bus [3]1.17SEK / km
5Relation operational cost per distance ICE vs. BEV [4]†0.5
6Operational cost per distance electric bus§0.54SEK / km
* Assumption: Operational costs per year apply to diesel and gas buses as well.
† Assumption: applies to buses as well.

A number in parentheses represents the row in question

$\displaystyle ‡\text{Sum of } (0), (1)$

$\displaystyle §\text{Product of } (3), (5)$


[1]: Based on actual buses. 
[2]: Rounded value based on commercial sources
[3]: Kunskapssammanställning EURO VI, p.6 
[4]: Commercial source, 


Since accident costs are from 2017 we use data from 2017’s load factor to convert from person kilometers (pkm) to vehicle kilometers (vkm).

Table 5

0Accident cost for bus [1]0.02SEK / pkm
1Bus vehicle-km [2]626,667,000vkm
2Bus person-km [2]7,049,440,000pkm
3Load factor* ‡11.2pkm / vkm
4Accident cost per bus km† §0.22SEK / vkm
A number in parentheses represents the row in question

$\displaystyle *\frac{(2)}{(1)}$

$\displaystyle †(0) \times (3)$

‡Rounded to the nearest tenth
§Rounded to the nearest hundredth


[1]: Transportsektorns samhällsekonomiska kostnader 
[2]: Trafa Regional linjetrafik 2017, table T2a buss 

Table 6

0Noise cost for all buses per person km [1]0.02SEK / pkm
1Assumed noise cost for electric buses [2]0SEK / vkm
2Load factor [3]11.2491003994147pkm / vkm
3Noise cost for all buses per km* †0.22SEK / vkm
A number in parentheses represents the row in question

$\displaystyle *\text{Product of } (0), (2)$

†Rounded to the nearest hundredth


[1]: Transportsektorns samhällsekonomiska kostnader 
[2]: Assumed no noise from electric bus
[3]: See Table 5

Table 7

0PM2.5 buses and heavy trucks [1]189.23t
1PM10 buses and heavy trucks [1]189.23t
2Total distance heavy trucks [2]4,115,376,687vkm
3Total distance buses [3]908,912,500vkm
4Emission factor NOx - Diesel [4]†0.472g / km
5Emission factor NOx - Gas [4]†0.472g / km
6PM2.5 buses and heavy trucks [1]‡189,230,000g
7PM10 buses and heavy trucks [1]‡189,230,000g
8Total distance buses and heavy trucks§5,024,289,187vkm
9PM2.5 per vehicle-km¶ §§0.038g / vkm
10PM10 per vehicle-km** §§0.038g / vkm
11PM2.5 wear and tear and exhaust respectively per vehicle-km* †† §§0.019g / vkm
12PM10 wear and tear and exhaust respectively per vehicle-km* ‡‡ §§0.019g / vkm
* Assuming half is from wear and tear and half is from exhaust
†Converted from mg/km to gram / kilometer
‡Converted from tonne to gram

A number in parentheses represents the row in question

$\displaystyle §(2) + (3)$

$\displaystyle ¶\frac{(6)}{(10)}$

$\displaystyle **\frac{(7)}{(10)}$

$\displaystyle ††\frac{(11)}{2}$

$\displaystyle ‡‡\frac{(12)}{2}$

§§Rounded to the nearest thousandth


[1]: Sveriges Rapporterade Utsläpp 1990-2020 
[2]: Trafa körsträckor 2020, table LB2 
[3]: Trafa körsträckor 2020, table BU1 
[4]: Kunskapssammanställning EURO VI, p.3 