Heatpumps Sweden

This document contains preliminary numbers for economic data for Swedish heat pumps.

Bold font rows are the final datapoints.

The values are good approximations, but they may still be subject to change.

Average purchase and installation cost for heating systems

Our estimated purchase price values for the different heating sources are rounded average values of heating sources within the desired heat output range

Table 1

0Purchase Heat pump (air-water) [1]*85,000SEK
1Purchase Gas boiler [2]†47,000SEK
2Purchase Oil boiler [2]†52,000SEK
3Purchase Electric boiler [3]35,000SEK
4Install Heat pump (air-water) [1]*85,000SEK
5Install Gas boiler [2]†47,000SEK
6Install Oil boiler [2]†52,000SEK
7Install Electric boiler [3]‡35,000SEK
8Total Heat pump (air-water) cost§170,000SEK
9Total Gas boiler cost¶94,000SEK
10Total Oil boiler cost**104,000SEK
11Total Electric boiler cost††70,000SEK
* Average cost of all the listed air - water heat pumps. Rounded value
† Gas- and oil boilers are rare in Sweden and numbers are hard to come by, therefore, German numbers have been used. Conversion from Euro to SEK 10.73 (September 2022). Rounded average price of oil boilers with efficiency around 30 kW.
‡ Electric boilers are rarely used in isolation. The following assumption was made for the installation costs: The installation is less complex than that of an air-water, therefore approximately half the installation cost of an air-water heat pump.

A number in parentheses represents the row in question

$\displaystyle §(0) + (4)$

$\displaystyle ¶(1) + (5)$

$\displaystyle **(2) + (6)$

$\displaystyle ††(3) + (7)$


[1]: Polarpumpen, heatpump retailer 
[2]: Online retailer Mein Haus Shop 
[3]: Pricerunner, comparison service, electric boilers only, heat pumps filtered out. 

Average area heated per heating source

Table 2

0Heat pump [1]*170sq m
1Gas boiler†200sq m
2Oil boiler†200sq m
3Electric boiler ‡90sq m
* Assumption: heatpump generally serves 80% of the listed max area. Average of all listed heat pumps. Rounded value.
† German numbers since gas- and oil boilers are not that common in Sweden. Average kW heating sources 30kW, heating approx. 200m2 of building area in Germany.
‡ Assumption: 1kW can heat 6.667 m2. Based on German numbers.


[1]: Polarpumpen, heatpump retailer 

Expected lifetime

Table 3

0Heat pump [1]20yr
1Gas boiler [2]20yr
2Oil boiler [3]20yr
3Electric boiler*20yr
* Approximatly the same as the other boilers


[1]: Polarpumpen, heatpump retailer 
[2]: Energifakta, heating system blog 
[3]: ServiceOne, installation and repair services for residential and commercial 

Maintenance costs

Table 4

0Heat pump*0SEK
1Gas boiler*0SEK
2Oil boiler [1]†554SEK
3Electric boiler*0SEK
* No maintenance is need except regular tidiness
† Assumed sweeping two times each year


[1]: Skorstensfejarna, sweepers 

Particle and NOx emissions

Table 5

0PM10 [1]22kg / TJ
1PM2.5/PM10 ratio [2]0.57089%
2NOx [3]120mg / kWh
3PM 2.5§12.55958% * kg / TJ
4NOx [3]*0.12g / kWh
5PM10 [1]† ¶0.079g / kWh
6PM 2.5‡ **0.00045g / kWh
*Converted from mg / kWh to gram / kilowatt hour
†Converted from kg / TJ to gram / kilowatt hour
‡Converted from kilogram * percent / terajoule to gram / kilowatt hour

A number in parentheses represents the row in question

$\displaystyle §(0) \times (1)$

¶Rounded to the nearest thousandth
**Rounded to the nearest houndred thousandth


[1]: Die nebenwirkungen der behaglickeit: feinstaub aus kamin und holzofen, table 2 
[2]: Emission profile of Pm, Pm10 and Pm 2.5 of Stationery sources from boilers using various Fuels – An investigation. p.3 
[3]: Novellierung der Verordnung über kleine und mittlere Feuerungsanlagen, table 6 