District Heating Sweden

This document contains preliminary numbers for economic data for Swedish district heat. The number cover only the consumptions side of district heat, that is what the cost of using district heat as a heating source

It is assumed that we can make the split between smaller houses (single homes) and bigger buildings/houses (public, commercial and multi family houses).

“Area served/ power/ price of exchanger X” data points referse to an unspecified heat exchnager from a retailer, listed in the source, and is used to generate new datapoints such as regression data and averages. Each table only contain one type of heat exchanger. Bold font rows are the final datapoints.

The values are good approximations, but they may still be subject to change.

Establishing a relation between the power of a heat exchanger and the area heated by said heat exchanger

Table 1

0Power of heat exchanger 1 [1]156kW
1Power of heat exchanger 2 [1]90kW
2Power of heat exchanger 3 [1]70kW
3Power of heat exchanger 4 [1]214kW
4Power of heat exchanger 5 [1]273kW
5Power of heat exchanger 6 [1]112kW
6Area served by heat exchanger 1 [1]3,100sq m
7Area served by heat exchanger 2 [1]1,800sq m
8Area served by heat exchanger 3 [1]1,400sq m
9Area served by heat exchanger 4 [1]4,200sq m
10Area served by heat exchanger 5 [1]5,400sq m
11Area served by heat exchanger 6 [1]2,200sq m
12Slope of linear regression*19.65sq m / kW
13Initial value of linear regression*19.38sq m
* Parameter calculated using linear regression on the data above


[1]: Retailer 

Price and average area heated by a heat exchanger for a smaller house

Table 2

0Power of heat exchanger 1 [1]22kW
1Power of heat exchanger 2 [1]33kW
2Power of heat exchanger 3 [1]22kW
3Power of heat exchanger 4 [1]22kW
4Price of heat exchanger 1 [1]21,650SEK
5Price of heat exchanger 2 [1]22,600SEK
6Price of heat exchanger 3 [1]22,200SEK
7Price of heat exchanger 4 [1]23,200SEK
8Installation cost [2]*12,388SEK
9Connection and pipe laying cost [3]†100,005SEK
10Average kW¶24.75kW
11Average heat exchanger cost**22,412.5SEK
12Slope of linear regression [4]‡19.65sq m / kW
13Initial value of linear regression [4]‡19.38sq m
14Average m2††505.7175sq m
15Purchase and installation cost‡‡145,405SEK
16Rate of change in purchase and installation cost§0%
* After ROT-deduction and not including the cost of the heat exchanger itself
† Assuming a pipe lenght of 7.5 meter
‡ Parameter calculated using linear regression on the data above
§ Assumption

A number in parentheses represents the row in question

$\displaystyle ¶\text{Average of } (0), (1), (2), (3)$

$\displaystyle **\text{Average of } (4), (5), (6), (7)$

$\displaystyle ††(10) \times (12) + (13)$

$\displaystyle ‡‡\text{Sum of } (6), (7), (9)$


[1]: Retailer 
[2]: District heat and electricity provider 
[3]: District heat and electricity provider 
[4]: See Table 1

Price and average area heated by a heat exchanger for a bigger buildings/houses

Majority of the data points in this table is used to calculate averages

Table 3

0Area served by heat exchanger 1 [1]3,100sq m
1Area served by heat exchanger 2 [1]3,100sq m
2Area served by heat exchanger 3 [1]3,100sq m
3Area served by heat exchanger 4 [1]3,100sq m
4Area served by heat exchanger 5 [1]1,800sq m
5Area served by heat exchanger 6 [1]1,400sq m
6Area served by heat exchanger 7 [1]1,800sq m
7Area served by heat exchanger 8 [1]1,800sq m
8Area served by heat exchanger 9 [1]1,400sq m
9Area served by heat exchanger 10 [1]1,800sq m
10Area served by heat exchanger11 [1]3,100sq m
11Area served by heat exchanger 12 [1]4,200sq m
12Area served by heat exchanger 13 [1]5,400sq m
13Area served by heat exchanger 14 [1]5,400sq m
14Area served by heat exchanger 15 [1]5,400sq m
15Area served by heat exchanger 16 [1]4,200sq m
16Area served by heat exchangerr 17 [1]4,200sq m
17Area served by heat exchanger 18 [1]3,100sq m
18Area served by heat exchanger 19 [1]3,100sq m
19Area served by heat exchanger 20 [1]1,800sq m
20Area served by heat exchanger 21 [1]2,200sq m
21Area served by heat exchanger 22 [1]2,200sq m
22Area served by heat exchanger 23 [1]2,200sq m
23Area served by heat exchanger 24 [1]1,800sq m
24Area served by heat exchanger 25 [1]1,800sq m
25Price of exchanger 1 [1]68,200SEK
26Price of exchanger 2 [1]43,150SEK
27Price of exchanger 3 [1]54,350SEK
28Price of exchanger 4 [1]63,150SEK
29Price of exchanger 5 [1]38,850SEK
30Price of exchanger 6 [1]47,100SEK
31Price of exchanger 7 [1]62,750SEK
32Price of exchanger 8 [1]48,200SEK
33Price of exchanger 9 [1]21,750SEK
34Price of exchanger 10 [1]56,850SEK
35Price of exchanger 11 [1]100,850SEK
36Price of exchanger 12 [1]106,000SEK
37Price of exchanger 13 [1]108,750SEK
38Price of exchanger 14 [1]104,150SEK
39Price of exchanger 15 [1]69,750SEK
40Price of exchanger 16 [1]99,850SEK
41Price of exchanger 17 [1]65,200SEK
42Price of exchanger 18 [1]91,350SEK
43Price of exchanger 19 [1]62,250SEK
44Price of exchanger 20 [1]86,500SEK
45Price of exchanger 21 [1]60,700SEK
46Price of exchanger 22 [1]79,500SEK
47Price of exchanger 23 [1]90,950SEK
48Price of exchanger 24 [1]59,200SEK
49Price of exchanger 25 [1]75,250SEK
50Installation cost [2]*12,388SEK
51Connection and pipe laying cost [3]†100,005SEK
52Average square meter§2,900sq m
53Average heat exchanger cost¶70,584SEK
54Purchase and installation cost**182,977SEK
55Rate of change in purchase and installation cost‡0%
* After ROT-deduction and not including the cost of the heat exchanger itself
† Assuming a pipe lenght of 7.5 meter
‡ Assumption

A number in parentheses represents the row in question

$\displaystyle §\text{Average of } (0), (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (10), (11), (12), (13), (14), (15), (16), (17), (18), (19), (20), (21), (22), (23), (24)$

$\displaystyle ¶\text{Average of } (25), (26), (27), (28), (29), (30), (31), (32), (33), (34), (35), (36), (37), (38), (39), (40), (41), (42), (43), (44), (45), (46), (47), (48), (49)$

$\displaystyle **\text{Sum of } (50), (51), (53)$


[1]: Retailer 
[2]: District heat and electricity provider 
[3]: District heat and electricity provider 

Expected lifetime and maintenance cost for a heat exchanger

Here it’s assumed that the numbers are the same fro smaller and bigger buildings/houses

Table 4

0Expected lifetime of a heat exchanger [1]25yr
1Maintanence cost [2]*804SEK
* Assuming 67 SEK per month and hence 804 per year


[1]: District heat and electricity provider 
[2]: District heat and electricity provider 

Cost for district heat

Here it’s assumed that the numbers are the same fro smaller and bigger buildings/houses

Table 5

0Cost of district heat [1]*0.98SEK / kWh
1Yearly change rate of district heat cost†0%
* Assuming the average cost of the categories in the listed source
† Assumption


[1]: Trade association for companies that produce, trade, distribute and store energy 