Personal Vehicles Germany

Economic data, Personal Vehicles, Germany

This document contains preliminary numbers for economic data for personal vehicles in Germany.

Bold font rows are the final datapoints.

The values are good approximations, but they may still be subject to change.

Transport statistics

Yearly distances and longevity

ICE vehicles

Whilst vehicles are built to last much longer, a lot of them are scrapped while they are still functional because the maintenance costs make it uneconomical to keep them any longer. Several sources, e.g. agree on the expected lifetime (in kms) for a conventional (ICE) car being around 320,000 km. According to Mobility Sweden, the average age at which vehicles are scrapped in Sweden was at 17 years in 2019. To reflect that behaviour, we have chosen to use the economic life span as a parameter. (Mobility Sweden, We assume that similar behaviour applies to Germany 2021.

Battery electric vehicles

For electric vehicles, less data exists since they have note been on the market for equally long time. Several reports suggest that the battery is the “weakest” link in the electric car and also the most expensive part. Battery production and quality are progressing rapidly and reports suggest that they may soon be able to last up to 1,900,000 km. Anecdotal reports suggest that electric vehicles have surpassed 400,000 km and are still running fine ( As for the rest of the battery electric vehicles, the lower amount of moving parts suggests that they would last longer than ICE vehicles. For calculations in ClimateOS, we have assumed an average 300,000km for BEVs.

Table 1

0Average yearly distance, across all vehicles [1]12,843km
1Economic useful life of a vehicle [2]*17yr
2Expected longevity ICE vehicles‡ §200,000km
3Expected longevity battery electric vehicles†300,000km
* Assumption: applies to Germany as well.
† Assumption.

A number in parentheses represents the row in question

$\displaystyle ‡\text{Product of } (0), (1)$

§Rounded to the nearest hundred thousand


[1]: Kraftfahrt Bundesamt, file "Verkehr in Kilometern (VK)", tab VK 1.7
[2]: Mobility Sweden

Ecomonic data

Capital Expenditures (CAPEX)

Table 2

0Average price new ICE vehicle [1]*36,000EUR
1Additional cost EV [2]†7,000EUR
2Average price new battery electric vehicle‡43,000EUR
* Rounded value
† Span 5000€ - 10000€

A number in parentheses represents the row in question

$\displaystyle ‡\text{Sum of } (0), (1)$


[1]: Newspaper article
[2]: Commercial site

Operational Expenditures (OPEX)

Fix yearly costs

Table 3

0Monthly fixed operating costs petrol vehicles, including insurance, test- and tax costs [1]*91EUR / month
1Yearly fixed operating costs petrol vehicles [1]* ¶1,092EUR
2Tax cost petrol vehicles [2]†60EUR
3Tax cost diesel vehicles [2]†250EUR
4Tax cost battery electric vehicles [2]‡0EUR
5Yearly fixed costs excluding tax.**1,032EUR
6Exhaust test costs [3]§30EUR
7Yearly fixed operating costs petrol vehicles [1]* ¶ §§1,100EUR
8Yearly fixed cost diesel vehicles†† §§1,300EUR
9Yearly fixed cost battery electric vehicles‡‡ §§1,000EUR
* Assumption: middle class petrol vehicle is representative.
† Example medium sized vehicle
‡ EVs are tax exempt for the first 10 years.
§ Only necessary for ICE vehicles
¶Converted from EUR/month to EUR / year

A number in parentheses represents the row in question

$\displaystyle **(1) - (2)$

$\displaystyle ††\text{Sum of } (5), (3)$

$\displaystyle ‡‡(5) - (6)$

§§Rounded to the nearest hundred


[1]: Commercial site
[2]: Bundesfinanzministerium, KFZ-Steuer-Rechner

Table 4

0Monthly distance related operating costs (service costs) ICE vehicles [1]*60EUR / month
1Yearly distance related operating costs ICE vehicles [1]* †720EUR
2Average yearly distance, across all vehicles [2]12,843km
3Operational costs per distance, ICE vehicles‡ ¶0.06EUR / km
4Relation service costs of BEV to ICE vehicles [3]0.7
5Operational cost per distance, BEV§ ¶0.04EUR / km
* Assumption: middle class vehicle is representative.
†Converted from EUR/month to EUR / year

A number in parentheses represents the row in question

$\displaystyle ‡(1) / (2)$

$\displaystyle §\text{Product of } (3), (4)$

¶Rounded to the nearest hundredth


[1]: Commercial site
[2]: See Table 1
[3]: Commercial site


Air pollution

NOx emissions

Umweltbundesamt has estimated the NOx emissions from cars in the following document: No distinction has been made between diesel and petrol cars, we therefore assume, the same number for both cars.

Particle emissions

Umweltbundesamt has estimated the particle emissions from cars in the following document: No distinction has been made between PM2.5 and PM10, therefore, we assume a split of half of the amount each between the particle sizes. We assume the same amount of PM10 as PM2.5 These emissions are solely from combustion, no particle emissions from road abrasion or break ware are avaliable. Therefore, we cannot estimate those numbers. Data from other countries however shows similar numbers from combustion and wear and tear.

Table 5

0Estimated NOx emissions per person-km [1]*0.38g / pkm
1Estimated PM2.5, PM10 emissions combustion only per person-km [1]†0.006g / pkm
2Estimated car occupancy‡1.4
3NOx emissions per vehicle-km§0.532g / vkm
4PM2.5 and PM10 emissions combustion only per vehicle-km¶0.0084g / vkm
5Estimated PM2.5 and PM10 emissions wear and tear per vehicle-km‡0.0084g / vkm
* Assumption: same number for both diesel and petrol vehicles
† Assumptions: same number for both diesel and petrol vehicles, same number for PM10 as for PM2.5
‡ Assumed number

A number in parentheses represents the row in question

$\displaystyle §\text{Product of } (0), (2)$

$\displaystyle ¶\text{Product of } (1), (2)$


[1]: Umweltbundesamt

Noise costs

Table 6

0Noise cost from personal vehicles per capita 2017 [1]22.3EUR
1Population of Germany 2017 [2]82,800,000
2Total noise costs from personal vehicles Germany 2017.*1,846,440,000EUR
3Total distance driven by personal vehicles 2017 [3]630,836,652,000km
4Noise cost per vehicle-km 2017†0.00292697007085124EUR / km
5Consumer price index Germany 2017, January [4]100.6EUR
6Consumer price index Germany 2022, January [4]111.5EUR
7Price increase 2017 to 2022‡1.10834990059642
8Noise cost per vehicle-km 2021§ ¶0.003EUR / km
A number in parentheses represents the row in question

$\displaystyle *\text{Product of } (0), (1)$

$\displaystyle †(2) / (3)$

$\displaystyle ‡(6) / (5)$

$\displaystyle §\text{Product of } (4), (7)$

¶Rounded to the nearest thousandth


[1]: Mobilitätsforum Bund, NRVP 2020 - Welche Kosten verursachen verschiedene Verkehrsmittel wirklich?
[2]: Statistisches Bundesamt
[3]: Kraftfahrt Bundesamt, file "Verkehr in Kilometern (VK)", tab VK 1.7
[4]: Statistisches Bundesamt: Verbraucherpreisindizes für Deutschland Lange Reihen ab 1948

Accident costs

Accident costs have been assumed for all motorised vehicles according to sources from Bundesamt für Straßenwesen and Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt.

Table 7

0Accidents from all motorised transport [1]31,470,000,000EUR
1Total distance driven by all motorised transport [2]733,013,937,000km
2Accident costs per vehicle-km* †0.043EUR / km
A number in parentheses represents the row in question

$\displaystyle *(0) / (1)$

†Rounded to the nearest thousandth


[1]: Bundesamt für Straßenwesen, Volkswirtschaftliche Kosten von Straßenverkehrsunfällen in Deutschland - 2020
[2]: Kraftfahrt Bundesamt, file "Verkehr in Kilometern (VK)", tab VK 1.1