Buses Germany

Bus statistics

Yearly distance and lifetime distance of buses

Table 1

0Average yearly distance driven per bus [1]52,192vkm / yr
1Average longevity in years [2]*12yr
2Longevity in years.† ‡626,000vkm
* Assumptions: City buses have shorter years of service. 75% of all buses still in service after 12 years.

A number in parentheses represents the row in question

$\displaystyle †\text{Product of } (0), (1)$

‡Rounded to the nearest thousand


[1]: Kraftfahrt Bundesamt, file "Verkehr in Kilometern (VK)", tab VK 1.26 
[2]: Kraftfahrt Bundesamt, file "Bestand an Kraftfahrzeugen und Kraftfahrzeuganhängern nach Fahrzeugalter, 1. Januar 2022 (FZ 15)" 


Purchase price of buses

Table 2

0Purchase price - electric bus*600,000EUR
1Purchase price - diesel bus [1]†300,000EUR
2Purchase price - gas bus [2]450,000EUR
* Average price of city of Berlins order
† Range 250000 - 350000


[1]: German non-profit investigative journalism site. 
[2]: German non-profit investigative journalism site. 


Fixed yearly operational costs

The fixed yearly operating costs include taxes and insurance. We have not been able to find any data on insurance for buses. Therefore, only taxes have been included in the fixed operational data. Please update the numbers in your boards with insurance costs if you have it.

Table 3

0Tax cost diesel bus [1]*995EUR
1Tax cost gas bus [1]*556EUR
2Tax cost electric bus [1]*556EUR
* Assumption for tax: maximum allowed weight 28t, emissions class "S2 or better"


[1]: Bundesministerium der Finanzen 

Distance related operational costs mostly consist of service and repair. There was no publicly available data on service data on German buses regardless of fuel type. We have therefore used Swedish data, assuming that the numbers should be similar enough. Please replace the data with local and more recent numbers should you have them available.

Table 4

0Service cost per vehicle-km in SEK 2015, diesel bus [1]1.08SEK / km
1Service cost per vehicle-km in SEK 2015, gas bus [1]1.17SEK / km
2Average exchange rate SEK to EUR 2015 [2]0.1069EUR / SEK
3Service cost per vehicle-km in EUR 2015, diesel bus†0.115452EUR / km
4Service cost per vehicle-km in EUR 2015, gas bus‡0.125073EUR / km
5Consumer price index Germany 2015, January [3]98.5EUR
6Consumer price index Germany 2022, January [3]111.5EUR
7Price increase 2017 to 2022§1.13197969543147
8Service cost per vehicle-km 2021, diesel bus¶ ‡‡0.13EUR / km
9Service cost per vehicle-km 2021, gas bus** ‡‡0.14EUR / km
10Relation service costs of BEV to ICE vehicles [4]*0.7
11Service cost per vehicle-km 2021, electric bus†† ‡‡0.09EUR / km
* Assumption: similar number applies to buses as well.

A number in parentheses represents the row in question

$\displaystyle †\text{Product of } (0), (2)$

$\displaystyle ‡\text{Product of } (1), (2)$

$\displaystyle §(6) / (5)$

$\displaystyle ¶\text{Product of } (3), (7)$

$\displaystyle **\text{Product of } (4), (7)$

$\displaystyle ††\text{Product of } (10), (12)$

‡‡Rounded to the nearest hundredth


[1]: Kunskapssammanställning EURO VI, p.6 
[2]: UK currency site 
[3]: Statistisches Bundesamt: Verbraucherpreisindizes für Deutschland Lange Reihen ab 1948 
[4]: Commercial site 


Air pollution

Numbers for air pollution caused by buses are incomplete. We have therefore made assumptions based on the data that is available.

For air pollution, we have looked at NOx and particle emissions (PM2.5 and PM10). There are two sources for these emissions - from combustion in the internal combustion engines and from wear and tear of brakes and road abrasion. The emissions from combustion only applies to diesel and gas buses, not to electric ones. The pollution from wear and tear only consists of particulate matter, no NOx and this pollution applies to all buses and we made the assumption that they are equal for all buses, regardless of fuel type.

There are numbers for air pollution from combustion, however we have not found any data on the particle emissions from wear and tear. Therefore, we have not been able to estimate those numbers. If you have estimates, we recommend updating the numbers in your climate board.

The emission data for combustion however only contains numbers for the total particle emissions, no distinction is made between PM2.5 and PM10. We have made the assumption that they are equally distributed between PM2.5 and PM10.

Table 5

0NOx exhaust emissions - diesel bus [1]0.4g / kWh
1NOx exhaust emissions - gas bus [1]0g / kWh
2PM2.5 exhaust emissions - diesel and gas bus [1]*0.005g / kWh
3PM10 exhaust emissions - diesel and gas bus [1]*0.005g / kWh
4Energy intensity in liters per km, diesel bus [2]0.5l / vkm
5Calorific content of diesel [3]9.98kWh / l
6Energy intensity in kWh per km, diesel bus† §§5kWh / vkm
7Energy intensity in kWh per km, gas bus [4]6kWh / vkm
8NOx exhaust emissions per vehicle-km, diesel bus‡2g / vkm
9NOx exhaust emissions per vehicle-km, gas bus§0g / vkm
10PM2.5 exhaust emissions per vehicle-km, diesel bus¶0.025g / vkm
11PM2.5 exhaust emissions per vehicle-km, gas bus**0.03g / vkm
12PM10 exhaust emissions per vehicle-km, diesel bus††0.025g / vkm
13PM10 exhaust emissions per vehicle-km, gas bus‡‡0.03g / vkm
* Assumption: equal distribution of the 0.01g/kWh between PM2.5 and PM10

A number in parentheses represents the row in question

$\displaystyle †\text{Product of } (4), (5)$

$\displaystyle ‡\text{Product of } (0), (6)$

$\displaystyle §\text{Product of } (1), (7)$

$\displaystyle ¶\text{Product of } (2), (6)$

$\displaystyle **\text{Product of } (2), (7)$

$\displaystyle ††\text{Product of } (3), (6)$

$\displaystyle ‡‡\text{Product of } (3), (7)$

§§Rounded to the nearest whole


[1]: Elektrobusse im ÖPNV, p.37 
[2]: Rough estimate based on discussions in forum. 
[3]: Conversion factors 2021 
[4]: Finnish study from 2010 

Noise costs

The data for noise costs used in this calculation is per inhabitant and the data was for both buses and trams. For ClimateOS, we need the cost per vehicle-km. In order to calculate that cost, we needed the total yearly distance in vehicle-kilometers (Jahresverkehrsleistung), which we could only find for buses. We therefore distributed the cost across buses only, under the assumption that the difference in cost per vehicle-km would be negligible if we had distributed the cost across both trams and buses compared to buses only.

Table 6

0Noise cost from public transport per capita 2017 [1]2.7EUR
1Population of Germany 2017 [2]82,800,000
2Total noise costs from personal vehicles Germany 2017.‡223,560,000EUR
3Total distance driven by public transport 2017 [3]*4,477,254,000vkm
4Noise cost per vehicle-km 2017§0.0499323915953841EUR / vkm
5Consumer price index Germany 2017, January [4]100.6EUR
6Consumer price index Germany 2022, January [4]111.5EUR
7Price increase 2017 to 2022¶1.10834990059642
8Noise cost per vehicle-km 2021, diesel and gas buses** ††0.055EUR / vkm
9Noise cost electric buses [5]†0EUR / vkm
* Assumption: Although the cost is for both buses and tramways, the difference in cost is negligible.
† Assumption: electric buses are dramatically more quiet in inner city traffic than their diesel or gas counterparts.

A number in parentheses represents the row in question

$\displaystyle ‡\text{Product of } (0), (1)$

$\displaystyle §(2) / (3)$

$\displaystyle ¶(6) / (5)$

$\displaystyle **\text{Product of } (4), (7)$

††Rounded to the nearest thousandth


[1]: Mobilitätsforum Bund, NRVP 2020 - Welche Kosten verursachen verschiedene Verkehrsmittel wirklich? 
[2]: Statistisches Bundesamt 
[3]: Kraftfahrt Bundesamt, file "Verkehr in Kilometern (VK)", tab VK 1.26 
[4]: Statistisches Bundesamt: Verbraucherpreisindizes für Deutschland Lange Reihen ab 1948 
[5]: Assumed value.

Accident costs

Accident costs have been assumed for all motorised vehicles according to sources from Bundesamt für Straßenwesen and Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt.

Table 7

0Accidents from all motorised transport [1]31,470,000,000EUR
1Total distance driven by all motorised transport [2]733,013,937,000km
2Accident costs per vehicle-km* †0.043EUR / km
A number in parentheses represents the row in question

$\displaystyle *(0) / (1)$

†Rounded to the nearest thousandth


[1]: Bundesamt für Straßenwesen, Volkswirtschaftliche Kosten von Straßenverkehrsunfällen in Deutschland - 2020 
[2]: Kraftfahrt Bundesamt, file "Verkehr in Kilometern (VK)", tab VK 1.1 