District Heating Germany

In Germany, district heating connections are rarely paid upfront, a common pricing model is that the customer pays a yearly fee over the lifetime of the heat exchange station based on the effect installed and “pays off” the purchase and installation price of the heat exchanger. In those cases, the pricing model for district heat consists of the following 3 price types:

  • Base price: fixed yearly fee that depends on the installed effect (in kW) of the heat exchanger
  • Work price: based on the actual heat (in kWh) consumed
  • Service fee or Measuring price: fixed yearly fee that may also differ depending on the installed effect

In order to differentiate between investment and operating costs, we calculate the investment, i.e. purchase and installation cost based on the base price with an assumed lifetime of the heat exchanger. Please note that the investment cost only contains the purchase cost and installation of the actual substation / heat exchanger in the buidling. Any costs associated with the installation of pipes to the district heat grid are not included as they are very different from installation to installation and above all, they only occur once, and will not appear again when the substation / heat exchanger has reached its end of life and is replaced by a new substation / heat exchanger.

A common approach of comparing the cost of district heat to other heating types is by calculating a mixed price where the fixed and work depended yearly costs are summed up and divided by the amount of heat consumed. AFGW has compiled a document containing district heating prices per Bundesland and a German average. The calculation is based on the mixed price, i.e. the total yearly costs divided by the total yearly consumption of heat in MWh. The complete document is available under https://www.fernwaerme-info.com/fileadmin/Redakteure/fernwaerme-info/F%C3%B6rderung_und_Kosten/Kosten_und_Preise/Preis%C3%BCbersicht_Webexemplar.pdf.

Below we have calculated the base price, work price and service fees for a typical small scale residential building and larger scale non-residential (commercial or municipal) building based on a few assumptions and the investment cost based on the base price and an assumed lifetime of the substation / heat exchanger. The calculations have been made for both residential and non-residential buildings. The difference in capacity requirement per area (kW/m2) between residential and non-residential buildings is mainly due to the greater demand of hot water in residential buildings. For larger residential buildings, the same numbers are used as for small (singels-family) houses.

General costs and assumptions

Table 1

0Hours heated per year [1]1,800h
1Power installed residential [1]15kW
2Power installed non-residential [1]160kW
3Yearly energy usage residential†27,000kWh
4Yearly energy usage residential‡288,000kWh
5"Mixed price" per MWh residential [1]77.35EUR / MWh
6"Mixed price" per MWh non-residential [1]74.88EUR / MWh
7"Mixed price" per kWh residential [1]*0.07735EUR / kWh
8"Mixed price" per kWh non-residential [1]*0.07488EUR / kWh
9Total yearly cost residential§ **2,088EUR
10Total yearly cost non-residential¶ **21,565EUR
*Converted from EUR/MWh to EUR / kilowatt hour

A number in parentheses represents the row in question

$\displaystyle †\text{Product of } (0), (1)$

$\displaystyle ‡\text{Product of } (0), (2)$

$\displaystyle §\text{Product of } (3), (7)$

$\displaystyle ¶\text{Product of } (4), (8)$

**Rounded to the nearest whole


[1]: AGFW: Statistik, Fernwärme Preisübersicht 

Average area served

Table 2

0Yearly cost per area residential [1]17.4EUR / sq m
1Yearly cost per area non-residential [1]10.78EUR / sq m
2Total yearly cost residential [2]2,088.45EUR
3Total yearly cost non-residential [2]21,565.44EUR
4Average area served per substation residential* ‡120sq m
5Average area served per substation non-residential† §2,000sq m
A number in parentheses represents the row in question

$\displaystyle *(2) / (0)$

$\displaystyle †(3) / (1)$

‡Rounded to the nearest ten
§Rounded to the nearest houndred


[1]: AGFW: Statistik, Fernwärme Preisübersicht 
[2]: See Table 1

Energy cost

Table 3

0Work share (including service fee) of cost residential [1]0.74
1Work share (including service fee) of cost non-residential [1]0.73
2Total yearly cost residential [2]2,088.45EUR
3Total yearly cost non-residential [2]21,565.44EUR
4Yearly work cost residential*1,545.453EUR
5Yearly work cost non-residential†15,742.7712EUR
6Service fee (including measuring fee) residential [3]180EUR
7Service fee (including measuring fee) non-residential [4]400EUR
8Yearly energy cost residential‡1,365.453EUR
9Yearly energy cost non-residential§15,342.7712EUR
10Yearly energy usage residential [2]27,000kWh
11Yearly energy usage residential [2]288,000kWh
12Energy cost (district heat) per kWh residential¶0.0505723333333333EUR / kWh
13Energy cost (district heat) per kWh non-residential**0.0532735111111111EUR / kWh
14Average energy cost (district heat) per kWh†† ‡‡0.05EUR / kWh
A number in parentheses represents the row in question

$\displaystyle *\text{Product of } (0), (2)$

$\displaystyle †\text{Product of } (1), (3)$

$\displaystyle ‡(4) - (6)$

$\displaystyle §(5) - (7)$

$\displaystyle ¶(8) / (10)$

$\displaystyle **(9) / (11)$

$\displaystyle ††\text{Average of } (12), (13)$

‡‡Rounded to the nearest houndredth


[1]: AGFW: Statistik, Fernwärme Preisübersicht 
[2]: See Table 1
[3]: Commercial cost comparison site 
[4]: Estimated value based on commercial provider 

Investment costs

Table 4

0Total yearly cost residential [1]2,088.45EUR
1Total yearly cost non-residential [1]21,565.44EUR
2Yearly work cost residential [2]1,545.453EUR
3Yearly work cost non-residential [2]15,742.7712EUR
4Yearly fixed cost residential†542.997EUR
5Yearly fixed cost non-residential‡5,822.6688EUR
6Assumed lifetime of heat substation (heat exchanger)*20yr
7Total investment (purchase and installation) cost over assumed lifetime residential§ **11,000EUR
8Total investment (purchase and installation) cost over assumed lifetime non-residential¶ **116,000EUR
* Assumed same as for other heating systems

A number in parentheses represents the row in question

$\displaystyle †(0) - (2)$

$\displaystyle ‡(1) - (3)$

$\displaystyle §\text{Product of } (4), (6)$

$\displaystyle ¶\text{Product of } (5), (6)$

**Rounded to the nearest thousand


[1]: See Table 1
[2]: See Table 3